Monday, March 21, 2011

March Madness

Thursday, March 17, 2011

What can I say, I'm gifted

At BYU the Engineering Society has a blog that has all the announcements for the engineering students. Every week it posts a new game from  A couple weeks ago, the game happened to be "Potty Racers", which consists of a little stick figure that pushes over an outhouse, rides it down a hill/ramp, and tries to get the most distance possible.
Jared had been sitting there playing this game for about half an hour while I was making dinner. I finally said "Hand it over, let me show you how it's done." On my third try, the little stick figure soared up past the sky, past the stars, past the planets, then came back down to the road eventually .... where it continued to race at full speed for the next TWENTY minutes. We left it up while we ate dinner, and lo and behold, when we finished eating... she was still going strong.
I'm pretty sure Jareds high score was like 16,000. Can we just look at mine for a second? 1,804,267!!
We finally stopped her out of impatience. Supposedly the Engineering Society gives a prize to the highest score each week. I know it would have been me. But Jared said he didn't know how to submit the score. I think secretly he was just jealous. Guess we'll never know what I could have won... He tried to pass it off like I "must have found a glitch". But I know the truth.
I am the Potty Racing Queen.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

11 months

Ahhh I can't believe we're 1 month away from Emmett's 1'st (adjusted) birthday!! The phrase "time flies when you're having fun" has never held more true!

  • Emmett is pulling up on anything and everything - furniture, vacuum, air vents, walls etc.
  • Crawls on knees like a pro
  • RUNS behind his walker now! haha. But doesn't know how to turn it so our days consist of him walking to to end of our tiny apartment and screaming until I come and turn him around, and from there the cycle repeats.
  • Walks along all furniture/things he can hold on to, and is getting brave and starting to attempt to take a couple steps to you if you encourage him!
  • His FAVORITE game is opening all the cabinets to the TV stand and emptying all the DVDs one by one, then walking along the ottoman over to the bookshelf, where he continues to do the same thing with all the books
  • Has all 6 teeth (actually had them last month too, but I forgot to post about it) 4 on top, 2 on bottom
  • Is injuring himself quite frequently due to his daring, curious personality. His biggest so far has been a vaccum burn on his little foot. Remember how he's obsessed with the vacuum? The other day I was bent over using the hose, and Emmett came and pulled himself to standing on the front of the vacuum while it was on, and his foot slid under... and you know the rest. He only cried for a second, I think I  was more upset by it than him!
    If you look at his right foot you can see his poor little burn :-(
    This camera case with the magnetic flap is one of his favorite toys!
  • The mishap with the vacuum has amazingly not affected his fascination. He still crawls back to where it's kept every chance he gets and just touches it and stares at it  
  • Eats like a champ - prefers finger food over his bottle, and refuses to be spoon fed. Eats pretty much everything
  • Knows meaning of "Mama" and "Dada" and "Baba". Just recently added the word "Bob" to his repetoire. I think possibly because I've been reading him this book called "15 animals" where all the animals are named Bob. LOL
  • Never wants to be still or sitting. Must be standing and/or moving at all times 
  • Loves his pointer finger. If he's not pointing at something with it, he's chewing on it 
  • Starting to remember/mimic things well. i.e nesting his blocks, trying to build them, attempting to put shapes in the sorter
  • Liking reading books a lot more
  • Not as interested in his Baby Einsteins anymore since watching it would require remaining still, same thing with the exersaucer
  • Loves going on walks
He is getting more and more fun to hang out with everyday and I'm so excited for what's to come! I will leave you with a couple shots of Emmett and Rufio wrestling because I think it's adorable. Rufiio was totally rolling around all up into Emmett and playing!