Sunday, April 22, 2012

So long Shoebox!!

Yay!!! I could not be more excited! We are renting our first house (Well upstairs of a house anyway), and I am counting down the days.

Things I am most stoked about.

1.) A YARD - Little mans is going to loooooove being able to go outside whenever he pleases! And me too - I am hoping for a new writing locale!
2.) A Garage - We already have a bike trailer waiting :)
3.) Non-Traffic Street - My heart will be so much healthier when it's not constantly stressing about Emmett near one of the busiest streets in the city
4.) Huge, Beautiful Kitchen - I can't wait to get cooking in that glorious room
5.) A Porch - I have the cutest little white bisto table waiting for its debut!

Little grey house, here we come!!

Easser Bunny!

Emmett loved exclaiming that this year. It was pretty fun getting him all excited about the Easter bunny coming to our house and leaving presents! We went to an egg hunt at BYU's stadium, where the bunny himself AND Cosmo made appearances. Couldn't be more perfect, right?!

When they announced Cosmo's entrance Emmett got so excited he started screaming and pulling Caysen's hair! HAHAHA! Love this picture!! (Sorry Cays!)


Then it was off to the mall where he was able to meet the Easter Bunny

(And give high five and hugs)

Then... it was the big day!!
Although I love the egg hunts, giving Em presents, and all the candy (but not so much the 5 extra pounds the holiday made me pack on...), I was especially glad this year to remember the life of our savior and what his atonement has done for us. I've been thinking a lot about all the benefits of the atonement other than repentance - the ability to grow/change and overcome personal trials, and receive peace, acceptance, and faith. It's something I have come to love and appreciate more fully the past couple years.

Hope your Easter was marvelous :)

Friday, April 6, 2012

kah-mo! kah-mo!

That's about all we hear anymore. Emmett has inherited Jared's deep blue blood. He is Cosmo the Cougar's #1 fan. And I'm not exaggerating, I really think he might be. He wants to wear his "cougar shirt" ALL the time. Like he once wore (and slept) in it for three days straight, then still threw a fit when I made him take it off to be laundered. And anything that's navy blue is "Cougar".
Whenever we go to any type of BYU sporting event, he runs like a madman screaming Cosmo's name throughout the entire duration - needless to say I don't usually see very much of the games.
Last weekend we decided to take him to the football team's spring scrimmage. He had a blast running the stadium full speed screaming for Cosmo. Most people we passed started laughing - I don't blame them!

                                                            (Of course we paused to check out the snow plow)


We train 'em young :)

president's bash

For President's Day we ventured up to Salt Lake and let Emmett party at the Children's Museum and the Book of Mormon exhibit. He ran, created, and explored his little heart out.


Just goin on a little helicopter ride

We made sure to include something in it for Jared and I as well. We hit up HoHo Gourmet (Jareds favorite hole-in-the-wall asian restaurant), stopped by Banbury Cross donuts for me, and even took a quick stroll through anthropologie - to Jared's dismay. Despite the heavy crowds, i'd say President's Day was a huge success!


I've got a lot of catching up to do.... a LOT. So bear with me while I try to cram as much as I can into the next hour! Emmett has changed and grown so much it's hard to believe. He's become such a fun little pal to play with, and talks a ton now. It's fun to hear him form his own sentences/thoughts and to know what's going on in his little mind! He really says some hilarious things, I may have to start recording them here like I've seen lots of my friends do :)

He's obsessed with trucks and cars, and loves watching them go by the window all day long. Before it started getting nice outside, we spent probably 50% of the day in our big window watching the world go by. Here's some pics of the little jailbird dying for a taste of freedom.

Can't get enough of his precious little hugs

Told you he REALLY loves trucks...

Love his little model stance in this one

And because it's a REGULAR occurence...

Ta-DA! I exist! Though 99.9% of the time I exist BEHIND the camera...
Don't mind Emmett's morning hair, it's the only picture that had me in it!