Thursday, January 20, 2011


Being the proud mommy of an active, mobile baby boy makes it hard to keep up on blogging! But I'm determined to! I just printed out a hardcover book of every blog post I've ever written and it is SO cool. It's like 150 pages and comes complete with a table of contents in the front. It will always be one of my most treasured possessions. ...SO after thumbing through every page and being very proud, I decided I have to make sure I continue to do it regularly!
To catch you up to speed on MY life now - basically I chill with my main man all day, have gotten really into fitness classes at the gym, and cap off my nights by watching Mad Men. I even wake up at 5:15 am to go to cycling class! If you know me, you know how revolutionary this is! haha. It's nice fitting it in before Jared even leaves to school for the day, because otherwise he comes home at night and I leave to the gym for a couple hours, and we end up not spending any time together.
It feels good because for the first time I'm not obsessed with shedding poundage, I just enjoy it. It makes me feel good, it's my social outlet, and I pretty much just want to feel fit. It's liberating having a mindset like that instead of obsessing over getting those 5 pounds to come off (Not that I don't want them to). If they happen to come off along the way, then bonus!
I've been trying lots of new recipes for dinner, and trying to bake less now that the holidays are over. I miss it already!
This past weekend we went up to Rexburg and got to spend time with the Ericksons. Scott and Kristen's family (Jareds sister) just moved back from Virginia, where they've been for a little over a year, so it was a ton of fun having them around again. We played Dance Central on Wii til we dropped (literally, it was about 12:50 am)! Emmett loved being "babysat" by Kayt and Ella all weekend! He also went on his first sled ride, which consisted of him being pulled about five feet, and making a concerned face as if he wasnt too sure about it.

Jareds just slavin away over the textbooks as usual, and keeping an eye out for internships this summer. I'm keeping my fingers crossed he finds a good one locally because I really don't want to move, and have been so looking forward to living down the street from the community pool, and walking there with friends and our babies!
That about catches you up to speed. You can expect to be hearing from me a lot more often now that the holiday season is officially over! PS Christmas post is coming soon!


  1. Wow 5:15 am! That's awesome, I don't think I could ever do that!

  2. Omg yes! You have to stay through the summer! We'll go on tons of walks and we should get season passes to the Veterans pool! It'll be fun!

  3. cool! I need to make one of those blog to book things too! it's like the easy way to scrapbook :)and your little one is so adorable! I think he does look like you!
