I've always wanted to go to Disneyland while its decorated for Halloween (we've already established how much I love Halloween), but never knew that Disneyland hosted a "Halloween Party". I was thrilled when I read about it and found out about the special Halloween parades, fireworks, trick or treating, costume wearing, and villain meet-and-greets. I decided there was no better celebration to honor my 29th birthday, and quickly began my "Disneyland Jar" (a high-tech money saving account stashed in my drawer where I stashed all money from photo shoots, selling old things etc). Another perk of AZ living is a mere 5 hour drive from Disney! Wahoo!!
A couple months later we were on our way and I could not be more excited!! It was our first official vacation as a family and my sister Kirsten was going to fly into CA and meet us. We swung by the airport, picked up Kris, and headed to our hotel to prepare for an early start the following! I was amazed we got up, packed, prepared our days snacks and kid necessities, loaded into the car, parked, and over to the gates a few mins EARLIER than planned! Success! Getting there in time on the morning is crucial to the flow of the whole rest of the day!
We headed into California Adventure first, where we had zero wait to meet the man himself - Mickey Mouse.
Then of course straight over to get our Fast Passes for Radiator Springs Racers! While waiting for our passes to be up we able to walk right on to a lot of rides and meet some of Emmett's favorite characters. Nothing like morning in Disney.
I've been anxiously waiting to visit Cars land for years now, and it was everything I dreamed it would be. The attention to detail was impeccable and just like everyone says, it truly feels like you walk right into the movie. The Cars characters were also a lot cooler than I thought they would be! They're not just statues - they actually drive, and talk too! Radiator Springs Racers is gorgeous and they replicated Ornament Valley so well. It really feels like you're driving route 66 in the desert. As it should; I read the ride cost over 200 millions dollars, being the most expensive in the park and one of the most expensive in the world! Emmett was lucky enough to be in the drivers seat every time we rode and had the biggest smile of pure joy on his face. He was convinced he was actually driving and took it very seriously! You do a simulated race with a car next to you at the end of the ride over some hills and turns. It's so much fun! Definitely my favorite this trip. Jared took a priceless video of Emmett's reactions during the ride.
That face is his expression the first time Lightning McQueen pulled up for him to get in, and in the right pic you can see his little hands up, furiously driving.
In CA Adventure he also was chosen first to talk with Crush from Finding Nemo at Turtle Talk. Crush coined him "Epppppiiic Emmett". He also rode Tower of Terror for the first time and loved it!

I've always been a "Disneyland" girl, and preferred its classic rides to the modern California Adventure. However, this trip I loved our experience at C.A. It may have been Cars Land, or the fact that our time at that park was less congested and generally more pleasant. But whatever the reason, CA took the cake this trip.
Mid afternoon we headed over to finish our day out at DL. I love the Halloween Decorations.
Marvel was recently purchased by Disneyland, so many of the Avengers have taken up residence in the Innoventions building. Obviously Emmett was beside himself to meet his real life heroes.
Thor chooses one person out of his meet and greet group of about 50 people to try and lift his mighty hammer. Guess who he chose? Yep, Emmett :) It was awesome. Turns out it was too heavy for him to lift alone, but when Thor and him tried together they got it!
He was super excited to meet "Cap" and the first thing he said to him was, "Can I touch your shield?"
We headed to Frontierland and Fantasyland and hit up a few "must not miss" rides.
We met up with Kirsten's boyfriend's sister's family. haha that's a mouthful, and rode the teacups together! Hence all the hands! We were the fullest teacup I've ever seen!
We finished out the day strong and miraculously made it til closing time!! Well the adults did - by the last hour we had two sleeping littles in the stroller :) It was a fabulous, perfect day and it was not near as exhausting and hard as I anticipated. I think that was largely thanks to having Kirsten there to be an extra set of hands. Every time I look at these pictures I just start thinking about when I can plan our next trip!