Saturday, October 22, 2011

find your look

I've been reading a couple chapters of Tina Fey's autobiography Bossypants when I get in bed at night. I end up giggling to myself, by the light of my booklight, like a crazy person. Sounds a little creepy I know. But just let me just give you a tiny taste and you'll understand.

"It can't be said enough. Don't concern yourself with fashion; stick to simple pieces that flatter your body type. 
By 19, I had found my look. Oversize T-shirts, bike shorts, and wrestling shoes. To prevent the silhouette from being too baggy, I would cinch it at the waist with my fanny pack. I was pretty sure I would wear this look forever. The shirts allowed me to express myself with cool sayings like 'There's No Crying in Baseball' and 'Universtat Heidelberg', the bike shorts showed off my muscular calves, and the fanny pack held all my trolley tokens. I was nailing it on a daily basis. Find something like this for yourself as soon as possible." 

Do you see the type of invaluable information this book has to offer? Love it. That Tina Fey and I share our sense of fashion. However, when I went through that phase I was only about 8 years old. (Though I must say, thanks to the cycle of fashion, today's trends are not too far off the mark).


  1. Hahaha I loved that book! Especially the chapter about her Dad. "That's DON FEY!"

  2. I had the same giggle fits while reading the book before bed. I was constantly re-reading out loud so Josh could understand how funny it was!
