Monday, August 27, 2012

summer lovin

Summer was as great as ever this year. Actually especially great with our own yard to play in. We spent a lot of hours at our favorite place, Seven Peaks.

In July, I got the camera lens I've been pining over for a year and was (still am!) so excited! These are the very first shots I snapped with it.

We spent the 4th up in Kaysville with friends. We ate delicious food, swam to our hearts content, then went to the fireworks show.

July 7th, Caysen and my sister's boyfriend, Rusty, were baptized together. It was such an amazing day. I hope we always remember the spirit we felt there.

Then came more playing in the sun, more hiking, more biking, and more barbequing

We just can't get enough sun around here!


  1. YOu guys are the most active little family i know. I love that hiking backpack!

  2. What can she say, she started doing aerobics in the belly! She's a fitness guru!
