Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Yay for baby BOYS!!

So I realize I am quite behind on updating the blog. There just wasn't time amidst all the wonderful thanksgiving preparation/celebrating with family! (Posts to come!) However, now that I have been home from work sick the past couple days, I've got all the time I need!

For the real important news.... it has been officially confirmed.  Drumroll please... Little P is indeed a BOY! As if I didn't already know it all along. lol. There's no way that little troublemaker inside me could be anything else...
For those of you that need the visual proof, here you go:

He was certainly ready for his debut! We were cracking up because this was the very first image that came to the screen. Butt right up in the air, giving us a great view of what he knew we were wanting to know. The little arrow even points it out for you.

I'm sure it comes as no surprise that this little guy is a wild one. So wild in fact, that we could barely manage to get a still shot of him. We don't have those nice clear pictures that shows the whole baby lying there like others do. We have blurry shots of him being a madman! After a couple of minutes of the ultrasound tech chasing him from left to right, trying to measure his leg, she finally got this shot. Look at those little kickers go.

She kept trying to get a side profile of the baby, but he turned his back and refused to come back over! After lots of prodding, she eventually got a front view. It's a little skeleton looking, but it's cool you can see his little face! Im not sure if those are his knees or his feet down there... probably feet?

We are getting so excited for him to get here! It still seems forever away!

*Fun Fact: His first real distinct little kick was felt while watching Michael Jackson's "This is it" in the theater! I can't remember if it was "Bad" or "Beat It", but either way it seems those little kickers like to dance as well. He is still in the womb and already has an appreciation for good music...

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited for you guys! I love that he kicked to a MJ song. It makes me so proud of him! Maybe he will be the next pop sensation when he grows up. . . or something else.
