Friday, February 26, 2010


My little Emmett is growing up right before my eyes! Every day he gets stronger and stronger (and bigger and bigger! yay!) He is such a little love and is the BEST snuggler! He LOVES to snuggle. The nurses joke that I need to become to human incubator and just sit there around the clock...which I wouldn't have a problem with. He knows his mommy, and he is even starting to know the times that I'm supposed to come and hold him. If I don't show up on time, he lets everyone know it!There's no pulling the wool over his eyes!

We have ridden quite the roller coaster in the past couple weeks. It can be so up and down from one day to the next, and I don't know if I can handle any more "down" days. I love him so, so much and it is the hardest thing I've ever had to do to watch him go through so much and feel so completely powerless. Sometimes I just want to run and grab him in my arms and cuddle him until he gets better. If only it were that easy... Our latest hurdle is getting the breathing and eating down simultaneously. It is hard for babies (especially babies that have tubes down their throats) to swallow milk without any getting down into their airways. Unfortunately Emmett has had trouble with that a couple times, and it was incredibly scary.

Now let's focus on the "up" parts of the roller coaster. Here are some milestones of progress Emmett has made in the past few weeks:

  • Hit 4 pounds, and is currently well on his way to 5! (Last night he was 4 pds, 5 ounces)
  • Had his little waterbed taken out (progress towards maintaining his own body temp)
  • Had his first eye check (it looked good)
  • Had his first swaddle bath in a real bathtub! (he loved it!)
  • Had a Broviac put in (a central line that was put into his chest so he won't have to continually be poked anymore. Not exactly a milestone, but a big event nonetheless.
  • Opens his eyes more often. Seems more awake and alert, and focuses in on Jared and I.
  • His bed has been moved to a corner right next to a window, and my siblings have finally been able to look at him! It was so cute to watch all their faces as the nurses held him up.
Lastly I will leave you with pictures of his latest adventures! Stay tuned for updates!

After his bath, Jared combed his hair into the worlds tiniest mohawk! Cutest thing EVER!
Did you think it was possible for our baby to have hair that light?! I didn't!

I love this picture because it looks like he's smiling! He loves his binki!


  1. Emmett is the cutest grandchild I have ever seen! I love him so much. It is such a proud moment for me to see my daughter becoming the mother I'd always hoped she be. She has been truly selfless through her ordeal. She has the pure love of Christ radiate in her eyes when she looks at her precious baby boy. When I watch her hold her son, I get teary eyed because you can see and feel the peace emanate in the room. The spirit is so strong when those two are together. He is one special gift from God. I love you both! (and Jared too of course!)

  2. He is the cutest ever! I love the picture with you and him- you can tell he loves his momma- I love the hand on you! We are so happy he is continuing to do better and better! We love you guys.

  3. He is so darling! I'm glad things are progressing well. Isn't it the best feeling knowing your child knows who you are and would rather be with you than anyone else!

  4. I can already see some chubby cheeks, yeah for chubby cheeks! He is adorable. You can already tell that he is a fighter!

  5. He is looking so good. The little milestones are big ones in your eyes! Those are precious things that make a huge difference in his progress. Hope you'll doing well. Take care, Kim

  6. Look at Emmett lovin' his mama. and...look at those rolls man he grown so much already. Thanks for the updated pics.
