Thursday, November 18, 2010

7 months

Heres my man's latest stats:

Weight - 20 pds
Length:  26.75 inches

 Yes, he has clothes. But why cover up a bod this cute??

  • Still a blondie with beautiful blue/green eyes (for some reason pictures always make his hair look reddish)
  • Becoming more and more like a toddler (and less and less like a baby) every single day
  • He is officially "mobile". He rolls himself wherever he wants to go (which always seems to be not the safest of places). I have to keep a close eye on him!
  • Wearing either 9 or 12 month old clothes
  • Sits up straight on his own for 10-15 seconds before toppling to one side
  • Jumps in his exersaucer, spins the seat 360, and knows how to work every toy on the tray
  • Still LOVES walks and being on the go -people watching.
  • Loves to grab at your face. Smiles really big then grabs onto your nose, your cheeks, your chin- whatever he can get a hold of.
  • FAVORITE show is Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. It is hilarious. That song can come on at a barely audible volume and he will break his neck and just about knock the bumbo over to see it. He loves the "Hot Dog Dance". If he's on the floor, he rolls himself to a prime viewing location and parks it, then kicks his legs in excitement. haha.
  • Also likes Baby Einstein DVDs
  • "Mom, why are you bugging me with that stupid camera, can't you see I'm watching my show?"
  • Always holding on to his toes
  • Pretty much sleeps through the night. If he goes to bed at 9, he usually wakes up at 4:30 to eat, but if he goes down later, he'll sleep til morning.
  • Always want to play, and he makes sure you do. He screams and babbles and giggles and grabs at your face to let you know he's ready. If I try to read and he wants to play, he takes his chubby little hands and closes my book then laughs. LOL. He will scream (not cry, but actual shrieks) until he gets the attention he wants.
  • Very opinionated, and uses his shrieks to communicate the way he wants things
  • Has tried all fruits and vegetables now, and i give him little tastes of my food occasionally
  • Gets really excited when Daddy comes home.
  • Loves baths
  • Wraps his fingers in my hair for comfort and to help him fall asleep (ouch!)

Hanging out watching his mobile with his Wocket. Notice him running his fingers through its hair?


  1. Oh my gosh he's SO cute! I love how he puts his fingers through hair for comfort..that's adorable. Kyler and Emmett will make very good friends.

  2. I love all your pictures of him. He is so cute and getting so big..kinda sad hu!
